Lessons Learned on the Road to Self-Discovery

By Leslie Sturgeon Eliminate toxic relationships. Distance yourself from dream stealers and nay sayers, people that cause drama. Find a mentor and emulate how they live their lives. Positive attitude - be someone others want to be around. Be consistent as people can’t stand to be around an unpredictable person. Ask yourself, “How can I make this a phenomenal day?” Understand yourself - be aware of yourself, embrace your weaknesses and … [Read more...]

Reaching Out to Others Can Transform Your Life

By Leslie Sturgeon Following the path of others can lead you to success! A mentor can give you the guidance and support you need to live a more prosperous life. What is a mentor? Simply put . . . a trusted counselor or guide. It is anyone who possesses the qualities you wish to emulate and who has something to teach you! This person can be a stranger or close friend, younger or older, living or deceased, a celebrity, the author of your … [Read more...]

Leaving Your Comfort Zone Small Steps, Big Rewards!

By Leslie Sturgeon You've probably heard the saying, “Everything we want in life is just outside our comfort zone.” Well I’m here to tell you, my friends, it's the truth! A former shy girl, I didn’t believe being daring and uncomfortable could possibly lead me to monumental breakthroughs, but rather… more despair. It all began one toe at a time - then an occasional leap with both feet - out of my comfortable cocoon. Through a desire to create … [Read more...]

Believe in Yourself

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The Power of Networking: One Step, One Handshake at a time

By Leslie Sturgeon You heard about an event that sounds absolutely fascinating, but you couldn’t possibly attend. The kids need you at home? The boss has a project for you to complete? You need a root canal? No, it is anxiety that is holding you back! “I can’t walk into a room full of strangers,” you say to yourself. “I would rather have surgery instead.” Let me tell you – I have come up with every conceivable excuse for not attending a social … [Read more...]