Motivation Constipation. Yes, It’s a Thing!

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Motivation Constipation. Yes, It’s a Thing!
By Leslie Sturgeon, WIW Founder


It was a familiar scene and feeling . . . Sitting at my desk paralyzed with indecision and droopy shoulders from so much weight on them. I was crampy, too.

“I need relief. Make it stop,” kept swirling through my brain.  What was happening?!

It then came on like a tsunami:
Motivation Constipation!

I immediately asked myself the following questions:

  • Will Miralax help this kind of constipation? Probably not.
  • Do I need a “brain dump?” Yes, those always make me feel better.
  • Are you lazy and just plain unmotivated? Shh, inner voice. Go away. As my friend and life coach extraordinaire Emily Clement calls that brain chatter, “The Itty Bitty Shitty Committee.”

I then got to work on relieving the said constipation by taking some tried and true steps:

  • Made sure I was hydrated. Water might have been a better choice than vodka but it did make me happy and the creative juices started to flow;
  • I continued to talk to myself about my mission and purpose. Was it in alignment with the new and improved (or older, wiser) Leslie? Was I doing what was bringing me joy?

Okay, I was feeling some relief. I kept pushing . . .

  • I took action. A single, small action. Then a bigger step! That created momentum and just made me feel in control and making progress. I also established some deadlines because let’s face it, we all work well with deadlines!
  • Opened up to those around me – let my peeps know that I was feel shitty and needed some help. They have all been there and know the feeling. Afterall, we are all women and used to our bodies and minds doing crazy stuff . . . they are often driving the bus! The gal pals gave me some immediate remedies and also said, “Cheers,” when I told them about the vodka hydration method. They also said a dash of cranberry juice makes everything better, too.
  • Showed myself some grace. Even though I couldn’t pinpoint the cause of the issue, I knew I was growing. I am not a lazy person – I am someone who pushes out of my comfort zone regularly. Don’t confuse laziness with a growth spurt. Restlessness, indecision, angst and all the other “feels” are usually signs of a breakthrough. I reminded myself of this and worked hard to reframe my mindset and change my internal dialogue.

So there, my friends. That is how I moved from Motivation Constipation to that sense of relief that “I got this.” Until the next time anyway . . . Afterall, we are human!

Join Women Inspiring Women on March 29th where I will share more of my strategies for kicking our asses when we need it. There is something magical that happens, too, when a group of women on a similar path come together . . . we will certainly eat, drink, share and GROW!


Leslie Sturgeon is the founder of Women Inspiring Women, and has been described as a reformed shy girl, a serial entrepreneur, a tireless leader of women in New Hampshire, a crazy dog lover and as someone who tackles life’s challenges head on with a positive attitude. She has spent her life learning about herself, taking massive action outside of her comfort zone and lived to talk about it. Leslie has “been there” and continues to transform into the best version of herself right along side you. She lives life without regret while embracing today and overflowing with excitement about what is yet to come. Leslie also likes girl talk and chocolate and laughing so hard she snorts or pees (sometimes both simultaneously).



  1. Martha Chase says

    I sure wish I could be there. Leslie, you have been such an inspiration to me. I so enjoy your posts and posts of your friends. You’ve had a number of tough life moments that many of us have experienced so I (and I’m sure others) ‘get it’ when we read your posts.

    Your sense of humor is incredible. We can all laugh at your humorous posts because we can relate! During our Hurricane Ian recovery nightmare it was a sense of humor that helped Ed and I get through some challenging moments. It sure has us rethinking if we want to go through this again and hope to find something back in New England this summer.

    If we are lucky to get a small house to rent for the summer or to buy a house I hope I can meet up with you and a few of your funny and motivated friends. Loni comes to mind too.

    Maybe the Mt. Washington Cruise Ship with Gazpacho playing.

    • Leslie Sturgeon says

      Oh Martha, you touched my heart. Thank you as always for making a girl feel good! Life has certainly thrown curveballs at us all and a sense of humor is a must. Would love to see you this summer and hang out. Lani is always up for a good time, too! You are a blessing – thank you!

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