I’m Being Bold, Brave and Kind of Badass

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A Note from Leslie Sturgeon, WIW Founder and Visionary

BOLD and BRAVE is the theme of this year’s NH Conference for Women, and I am going to walk the talk with this big announcement. This will be our 10th and FINAL Conference – in its current format.

My whole life has been a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. Over the last year I have become restless but at the same time been more deeply immersed than ever before, mostly due to my participation in Tony Robbins’ Mastery University and a lot of soul searching.

This decision wasn’t easy especially as I have poured my heart and soul into the Conference and enjoyed every minute of it (and not to mention the event has been recognized twice as the #1 Best Networking Event in NH by NH Business Review readers). Ironically help with this shift came in the form of a “permission slip” from a dear friend. All too often we think because we have done something for so long that we need to continue doing it, even when we feel unsettled inside. Little did my friend know what had been on my mind and what a gift she gave me with our conversation. This is one of the many blessings of WIW – so many women on the same path and stepping up to help and support each other. I am very grateful. I’m confident many of you can relate to this!

What does all this mean?

Women Inspiring Women isn’t coming to an end and neither are our events. Just the opposite. Change can be good, and I am open and ready to explore, receive and share new possibilities for myself and WIW. I know I want to uplevel and lead and inspire differently –  in a BIGGER, BOLDER and more BADASS way that is in alignment with the woman I have become since starting the group in 2007. Everything has led to this moment and many of you have watched my journey unfold.

Yes I have some sadness as I tie a pink bow on this event and bid it adieu, but have overwhelming joy as I create new programs, connections, community and opportunity for all of you. I had planned on sharing this news in person at the Conference, but decided to let people know in advance so they could register and celebrate with me! This year’s conference is going to be extraordinary with some dynamic women speakers and exhibitors. And it will surely be a party. We will go out with a bang and come back in 2020 all shiny and new!

Much love and gratitude, Leslie


  1. As one of many [who have been on the sidelines and in the trenches] all support you and wish you a sincere congratulations!

    Yet, once again, you are modeling how we all should carry on.
    We commit to the journey…

    Again, congratulations Leslie xoxoxo
    With much love and support,

  2. Rhonda McMahon says

    Although I am sad to see it go, I know you will be bringing us new things to inspire the incredible women you have ignited! I am unable to attend this year, but with you the best with your last hurrah meeting! I know it will be a fantastic event as always.

    Can’t wait to see what comes next!!

    • Leslie Sturgeon says

      Thank you so much, girlfriend. Will miss you this year but so much good stuff coming up! Hope to see you soon. xoxo

  3. More proof that we should enjoy life as is while it is happening, and appreciate all of it, as we don’t always know when a chapter will end. I recently did this same thing with a couple volunteer events I have run for almost 15 years. It is time for others to step up and there are other things I should be working on. Bigger things. Congratulations, Leslie. I look forward to seeing your next big thing.

  4. Pamela Littlefield says

    Hi Leslie,
    We have not formally met. I have been a part of WIW for just 2 years and have enjoyed my experience! I too would like to bring my participation to another level. I did not ever get an opportunity to spend time with you as of yet. Is this something we can still set up? I would love
    to share with you my Inspiration that has come to fruition (new over this past year) due to WIW participation!! This movement Rocks!! Thank you and I hope to talk with you soon!

    • Leslie Sturgeon says

      Thanks for reaching out and your kind words. I will circle back to set up a time . . . just came up for air from the conference and now headed to Florida for Tony Robbin’s Date with Destiny event.

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