Rock Stars and Gratitude

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At our recent NH Conference for Women our theme was “Be The Rock Star Of Your Life.” It did not mean smash guitars, sell millions of records and live life in the fast lane. It simply meant to set aside the things that got in your way so you could live a larger life – on your terms.

In the spirit of our conference theme, I would like you to consider what it means to be a rock star:

  • Common traits. The traits of today’s rock stars include success, focus, the ability to shine or stand out, vision, growth, positive mindset, achievements, goals, resiliency, hard work, discipline, and courage. You possess most, if not all, of those characteristics already. And for the ones that might be a little rusty, you can improve on them.
  • A brand. What do you want to be known for and what do you want people to think about when they hear your name? What’s your style and vibe? And by that I mean personality style and the energy you put out there in the world. It could even be your appearance or your morals, values plus your ethics. It is the whole package, the essence of you!
  • All rock stars and celebrities have agents. Your agents could be your success team such as your health and wellness peeps, your lawyer, CPA, your church, your girlfriends, your counselor, your stylist . . . all those people who make your life just a little easier for you and have your back. Need others to pitch in to lighten your load so you can shine? Maybe a housekeeper, a spiritual mentor, or a tribe of like-minded people like here in Women Inspiring Women.
  • Groupies or frenzied fans. That saying “you are like the 5 people you spend the most time with” is true! Not everyone around you is a cheerleader – be mindful of those who might be negative, toxic or dream stealers. They need to be removed from your life as there are some people who are just unhappy and want to keep you small. Conversely, surround yourself with people who are like you and moving in a positive direction and embody all that is important to you, perhaps they are even more evolved and successful and you can learn from them.
  • Pay it forward. Be humble and kind as Tim McGraw says. No one gets to stardom without a whole bunch of people so don’t forget how you got to where you are going. As women we tend to spend the majority of our time lifting others up and being their groupies and crew. I want to encourage you that you can be everything – the rock star, fan and roadie! Be sure to be in that stadium hollering for others who aspire for greatness and help them dream big but strike some balance.

I want to instill in you that you can be the rock star of your life – just make the decision.  It is not narcissistic to think this way. It is a commitment to live a larger life, one that you unapologetically envision for yourself. Set the intention, do whatever work is necessary on yourself or even with those around you (think boundaries!) and for once be the flippin’ rock star. And buy that hot rock star outfit, too!

Be the legend the world is waiting for. Hasn’t the time come? Rock on, girlfriend. Let’s do this!

Hugs and much success,


A note of gratitude for those who are helping to make this rock star . . .

To execute the NH Conference for Women in those final days takes a huge effort, and I am immensely grateful to so many volunteers who worked their butts off to transform the hotel, tended to the little details like name tags, lugged heavy boxes, assembled centerpieces, greeted our guests, provided a nurturing hug to me when I questioned whether I could rise above the stress and anxiety and do my “job,” steamed my dress and my back-up dress, who made me partake in a dance party around my kitchen when I was overwhelmed and evidently needed to shake my groove thing (my pals know what I need even when I don’t) and who provided non-stop words of encouragement that I was playing bigger and they were there to ensure my success.

This is why I created Women Inspiring Women and this is why we will all be rock stars together – unwavering support, understanding, encouragement, having each other’s back and providing copious amounts of unconditional love. So from the bottom of my rock-star-in-the-making heart to all of you, THANK YOU. ~Leslie Sturgeon


Leslie Sturgeon is the founder of Women Inspiring Women, and has been described as a reformed shy girl, a serial entrepreneur, a tireless leader of women in New Hampshire, a crazy dog lover and as someone who tackles life’s challenges head on with a positive attitude. She has spent her life learning about herself, taking massive action outside of her comfort zone and lived to talk about it. Leslie has “been there” and continues to transform into the best version of herself right along side you. She lives life without regret while embracing today and overflowing with excitement about what is yet to come. Leslie also likes girl talk and chocolate and laughing so hard she snorts or pees (sometimes both simultaneously).


  1. Very nice!
    Happy Holidays to Leslie and all the Rock Stars! Let’s all rock on together in 2019!

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