Member Spotlight on Sarah LaLiberte

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Sarah LaLiberte has been in our WIW community for many years and it gives us great pleasure to introduce you to this remarkable woman . . .

Recently we had a little girl talk with Sarah and this is what she said:

What do you do for a living?

I am a serial entrepreneur. I left corporate in 2014 and have never looked back! I am currently owner and founder Mainspire, a full-service global marketing agency that helps organizations with go-to-market strategies and plan implementation. My team of 25 marketing professionals around the world are dedicated to PR, web, digital marketing, event management and evangelism for  Internet of Things, big data, broadband, artificial intelligence, marine tech and the connected life of the future. I also founded Mainspire Institute, a service for hands-on small businesses who need to increase revenue and want guidance and online tools to help them do so. Finally, I am co-founder of Kid In Outdoors, which is my son’s company. When he was 6, he decided he wanted to get kids off video games and outdoors. He is now 11 and has grown to be a national advocate for the cause. I help him with social media, events, speaking engagements, and sponsorship management.

Why were you drawn to WIW?

I wanted to be a successful woman entrepreneur and I admired the organization’s leadership, mentors and members. I never would have made the leap to entrepreneur had I not been in WIW. Now I can’t imagine life as anything but my own boss.

What is your favorite quote?

“Every second is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” (I made this up!)

What is a recent book you read?

“Happier Now” by Nataly Kogan, a speaker I heard at the NH Conference for Women.

Who is your celebrity crush?

I’m not big on crushes. I do, however, love musicals and OMG Hugh Jackman NAILED the part of PT Barnum in The Greatest Showman.

What is the best advice you ever received?

There’s quite a few but the one that sticks out is: nothing happens TO you, it happens FOR you. I look for the bright side and twist bad things into opportunities.

What is your best memory of WIW?

Well, I have two. One was meeting Jack Canfield, which was amazing but hasn’t profoundly impacted my life on a daily basis. The second was going to the 10th anniversary party and meeting Emily Clement. She totally changed my world and I am a completely different – and better – authentic version of myself having met her and subsequently worked with her.

What would we be surprised to know?

I am a fisherman. I owned a bass boat before I owned a car and I love, love, love to fish.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

This is a hard one…I wish I could turn people’s negative attitudes to positive with the blink of an eye. By simply willing it! Growing money on trees wouldn’t be bad either…

If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could only have 1 item, what would it be?

My pillow. I love to sleep.

The biggest lesson I have learned is . . .

I am not a victim, no matter what the circumstances. I can control my reactions, and that makes all the difference.

My guilty pleasure is…

Swedish fish.

Can you see why Sarah is so special to our WIW community? She gives tirelessly of her time to support our group in a multitude of ways, too. We love you, Sarah.

Some information to help you connect with Sarah or to learn more about her:

Sarah LaLiberte
Linked In


  1. Lani "Boom Boom" Voivod says

    Great little interview with Sarah! I love her energy, her answers are fun, and the photo os gorgeous. Thank you for highlighting such an INSPIRING supahstahhh!!!! xoxo

  2. Doris Dawkins says

    Sarah and I connected, first, through the NH Conference for Women. Her sunny, positive disposition is infectious. Sarah has a way of giving “positive magic” to everyone she meets.

    • Leslie Sturgeon says

      She is one of the coolest people on the planet – and demonstrates every day how to take the high road, live full out and manifest the crap out of things, tee hee.

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