If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It

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“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney

We always read these motivational quotes and think that they are just “pie in the sky” kind of BS. Or on the flip side, that by repeating mantras and actually believing in these quotes makes something come true. My beliefs usually fall somewhere in the middle.

Walt Disney’s words have always meant so much to me as he is proof that anything is possible. We see so much through the World of Disney – they are this fierce combination of wonderment, impeccable customer service, innovation and business. If Walt could create this magical universe, certainly we could dream and do whatever large or small goals we set out to achieve.  He was just a man with a dream and a man who took action despite the naysayers.

For me personally, that dream became a reality in May 2007 when I finally launched something I had thought about for many years . . . Women Inspiring Women. I had a vision of creating a community for women where they could spread their wings, share their hopes, dreams and aspirations, receive support, have some fun, be vulnerable and learn a little bit along the way – to realize that when the right people get together, magic happens!

Never did I imagine, however, that what started out as a small gathering in the Lakes Region would bloom into the largest organization of its kind in New Hampshire in a very short period of time. Words cannot express my profound appreciation for all the love and support I have received. My life has been touched in more ways that I can even begin to express. When reflecting on the journey over the past ten years, I am immediately overcome with strong emotions. Blessed, humbled, honored, grateful, touched, loved – all describe how I am feeling. On a personal level, my life has been turned upside down with unimaginable grief, yet significant growth and transformation. My WIW community got me through it and those friendships will last for a lifetime.

A few things I have learned:

We dream.
We take steps.
Those steps become leaps.
We trip and fall but we get up and dust ourselves off.
We get comfortable with the concept of being uncomfortable.
We push ourselves beyond our perceived limits.
We second guess our abilities.
We get up every day and attempt to kick ass. Some days it is our own ass that gets kicked.

In ten years, WIW is different. I’m different. You are different. But we are in this together. The future is extremely bright for all of us, and I cannot wait to see what’s in store for each and every one of you. I know with us all side by side, there is nothing that we can’t achieve.

So, girlfriends, if you can dream it, you can do it. If you don’t believe that, let me know and I will grab you by the hand and help you. And there is a whole tribe of fabulous women to be there for you, too. It’s called Women Inspiring Women.

Hugs and gratitude,
Leslie Sturgeon, WIW Founder

Please join us for our anniversary celebration on Thursday, May 25, 2017 at Chase House Inn in Meredith. Head over to our “events” tab for full details.


Leslie Sturgeon is the founder of Women Inspiring Women, and has been described as a reformed shy girl, a serial entrepreneur, a tireless leader of women in New Hampshire, a crazy dog lover and as someone who tackles life’s challenges head on with a positive attitude. She has spent her life learning about herself, taking massive action outside of her comfort zone and lived to talk about it. Leslie has “been there” and continues to transform into the best version of herself right along side you. She lives life without regret while embracing today and overflowing with excitement about what is yet to come. Leslie also likes girl talk and chocolate and laughing so hard she snorts or pees (sometimes both simultaneously).



  1. Stan Evans says

    Hi Leslie,

    I just want to pass along my condolences and best wishes to you on Ken’s passing. I know we all enjoyed working with him and sure he will be missed.

  2. Elizabeth Pamela Walker says


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