Sitting on the Loser’s Bench with Less Padding!

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New ChapterMany people have asked why there were no Women Inspiring Women events this summer. Here’s the scoop . . . On July 8th, I went in for life-changing bariatric surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy). I have been a big girl my entire life. Although 5’10” for as long as I can remember, I have also filled that big frame with extra weight! Not something I am proud of and undoubtedly noticed by those I have met through the years. Significant stress, overwhelm, considerable loss, medications, hysterectomy, etc., etc. haven’t helped but at the end of the day, I am your classic emotional, over-eating food addict. But . . .

I needed this tool and “intervention” to help me get my health under control and ensure a positive future. For those who have been watching my story unfold, I shared last year here in the WIW blog that I had sort of a breakdown leading to a breakthrough in terms of my health, my tendency to want to over-achieve, my lack of self-care and so on. I have always tried to “make my mess my message,” as my idol Robin Roberts says. It can be uncomfortable to let it all hang out and show personal flaws, but in doing so, I hope others will be inspired to share their stories. It can be liberating and is certainly less expensive than therapy.

My recuperation is going well, but I know that for long-term success, I need to continue working on the stress, anxiety, food management, establishing boundaries with those who push my buttons, getting rest and general self-care. I still have so much I want to do in this wonderful life of mine, and am very happy to now be on the Loser’s Bench. My butt is thankfully shrinking so I have less padding and could not be happier with this new journey. Thank you to friends and family who I confided in and who never questioned my decision and always provided immense amounts of love and acceptance.

Events will start up again in August and will build until the NH Conference for Women on November 13th. I took another gigantic leap and hired Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul and the Success Principles to be our keynote speaker. Hope to see you all soon. xoxo




  1. Leslie, You are so brave to share your story. Whenever we open up and show our vulnerability, it shines a light and inspires others. I am a compulsive overeater and have had my weight fluctuate. For many of the same reasons you have described, I find myself not taking care of myself due to exhaustion from overworking, overachieving. My latest dream project has required so much. It is my 47th birthday today and my gift to myself is to begin taking care of myself as much as I do pursuing my dreams. I know how challenging it is to have that surgery. My mother had it and I was there for her in the weeks that followed. I look forward to meeting you at the BIG event in November and seeing you all sparkly (you always sparkled) and with even more vibrant energy. You are awesome just as you are!

    • Leslie Sturgeon says

      Kathryn, the fact you took time out from your birthday celebration to write me such a heartwarming note means so very much to me. Thank you! Although sad that we are 47 and 48 and just now starting to make ourselves a priority, it is great that we recognize the changes we need to make to live a healthy, long life. We have so much left to accomplish in this world. It will be great to see you this fall and thank you in person for the love and support. Best wishes for a kick-a$$ year. xoxo

  2. Jenna Pedone says

    You rock Leslie! So loved the vulnerability of this. I will be at all the events coming up. I support you 100%. Lots of love and prayers. Jenna

  3. Leslie I am so proud of you! Such a hard decision to make both change and then sharing a truly personal experience! Here’s to you rocking this!

    • Leslie Sturgeon says

      Cheryl – I truly appreciate your sweet words. I am proud of you, too, for the mountains you are moving.

  4. Michelle Wilson says

    Thanks again for your openness and vulnerabililty with this community! I know what you shared last year about the breakdown before the breakthrough and the need for self-care was appreciated by so many. Running such a large and influential resource for women is a huge task and I know you are looked up to by many. I believe we all respond to authenticy and have a deep need for genuine connection, so thanks for setting the tone in WIW that we can be real and support each other and can share honestly what we are learning and how we are growing!
    Also a HUGE congratulations on getting Jack Canfield – that is amazing! I was going to say the Nov conference just keeps getting bigger and better….but actually they have all been unique and special.
    Thanks for all you do and I wish you the best on this new stage of your healthy journey!
    Michelle ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Leslie Sturgeon says

      Thank you, Michelle. I so appreciate your kind words. It took a lot for me to share my struggles last year as I was afraid that people would think less of me – or “how can she lead this women’s community if she is a train wreck?” But I’m glad I did because of the great ladies like yourself who lifted me up and surrounded me with unconditional love and support. It made all the difference! And once again you are all so caring and loving. Thank you!! Jack Canfield – my personal development God! I figure I’m taking lots of leaps this year, might as well go for a big speaker, too! Thanks again for your friendship. oxoxox

  5. Joyce Young says

    Leslie, You are the most brave woman I know. Congratulations on taking control of your life, your mind and spirit. I admire you and want to thank you for teaching me so much about being a woman of integrity and realness (is that a word?) See you in Novemeber!

  6. Dorie Dawkins says

    You are simply amazing! You have continuously conquered getting out of your comfort zone, and then you share with us all. Can’t wait to see you at the conference!

    • Leslie Sturgeon says

      When one is surrounded by friends like you, Dorie, you can’t help but feel loved and supported. I am very, very, very blessed. Thank you!

  7. Leslie, keep up the good work, you are so worth the struggle. I too have similar issues. I promised myself that once the winery was working, I would take better care of myself. I was shocked to learn I had to lose 60 pounds, and I enrolled at CMC’s Center for Obesity. I am halfway to my goal and have so much to learn about controlling my emotional eating. one day at a time. I am occasionally writing in my journal and that helps. A big hug to you. I bought a new pair of shoes recently, oh what a nice reward that was! Cheers to you for a new pair of shoes…one step at a time. Love, Heidi

    • Leslie Sturgeon says

      Hey Heidi – thank you so much for the sweet note. I have heard the CMC program is phenomenal and everyone succeeds with all the tools they receive. New shoes are definitely on my list of new purchases – and how fun that my feet are shrinking in girth ๐Ÿ™‚ oxoxo

  8. Leslie, you are one helluva dame, and this transformation is wayyyyy, wayyyy bigger and deeper than the weight loss aspect. I’m so psyched to cheer you on as you continue to shock and amaze us all with your unfolding journey. Love you!!! Xoxoxoxo

    • Leslie Sturgeon says

      You always say just the right words to make me smile. You are right – there is so much more to this journey than the weight loss and I can’t wait to see what unfolds ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Ann-Marie Keeney says

    I love and adore you – inside and out!

  10. Leslie – WOW/WIW – you see what you want; you’ve taken a stand to have it; and you are making it happen. And, you are sharing your experience with your community. Such a model of living the life of your dreams. You rock.

  11. Leslie- you are an inspiration to so many! Thank you for sharing your story; I can relate to several things (except that whole part about being 5’10”!!) Wishing you the best recovery and am looking forward to attending some more events and seeing your beautiful face!!!

  12. Judi Dunlap says

    You have overcome many obstacles in your life and each hurdle has made you the inspirational woman you are today. Knowing you as I do, I am confident this decision did not come without much research and with great soul searching. Being good to yourself may feel foreign for a while and, may be a more difficult challenge than the surgery and new eating routine. You have surrounded yourself with strong women; women who have watched you work hard to achieve your dreams and goals. They, like me are proud of you and they, like me, are happy that you have taken the steps to ensure a healthier future. So proud of you Leslie. But, I have always been so proud of you! With much love and support.

  13. Far too many of us women don’t take enough care of ourselves, everyone else comes first and our health suffers. I’m only now discovering what a toll celiac disease has taken on my body and trying to use this summer to improve. And yes trying to lose weight for probably all the same reasons as you Leslie. Keep on shining the light for all of us and take care of yourself.

  14. Congratulations Leslie for your life changing decision. You just inspired me to get off my butt and take a long walk before going to the office. The other posts on this blog said it all, so my inspiration words are – new energy – new wardrobe!

  15. You go girl!!! You are an inspiration to all members of the “Pink Posse.” The fact that you were willing to share with us your thoughts and trials while experiencing a “train wreck” just makes you that much more real to us and all the more lovable. Many, many women function on a day-to-day basis in “train wreck” mode, never stopping to realize that it doesn’t have to be that way. You have encouraged us to step off the train, look at where we are, and then step out to our rightful destination: a more whole, healed, and happy self. It has been a very difficult year for me, as you know, having lost my Dad to a long and most graceful and courageous fight against cancer on July 1. I learned so much from him these last months and have taken a few steps away from the train myself. What a wonderful place to be โ€” and to be there with wonderful people such as you. Thanks for all you’ve done and do and continue to do! I am definitely going to be there in November and am spreading the word to everyone I know! An opportunity such as this cannot be missed and I thank you for providing it for us.

  16. Anne Bole says

    Hi Leslie – Was just reading through these and I find that there are many women out there (myself included) that are train wrecks but are afraid to share at any age. I am so proud of you for your leadership of your beloved WIW group. Congratulations on your decision to have the surgery and move forward. You are so special and an inspiration for me. I have been struggling with my weight and business for a long time and your journey makes me want to do something for myself too. Looking forward to November’s conference thanks for taking the risk.

  17. Michelle Willette says

    Leslie, so many women have shared such wonderful thoughts and words of encouragement. I too am so proud of you. It is not easy to take that first step and then to be vulnerable in sharing your journey is so courageous. Each day will present a new struggle but when you feel down just know there are so many amazing and caring women around you who look up to you. So with your head up and shoulders back begin the journey to health and happiness.
    I am woman …here me roar!!

  18. Leslie, it is through our own individual stories and sharing of our authentic selves, that allows us to live our true authentic life. Thank you sharing your “authentic” journey. Being a cabi girl has taught me that this authenticity is part of our journey to help , guide, and inspire others to live their journeys. I’m very proud of you for sharing and know that in doing so will inspire others. I wish and hope for your continued success!

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